Friday, May 26, 2017

Forkchops; Part Fork / Knife and Part Chopstick

I found something that can be used as a pair of chopsticks or can be used as a knife and fork. I think it is really neat. If a person don't want to use it as a chopstick or unable to use it as a chopsticks, one just turn it around and use the fork and knife to eat with. It is like a fork and knife with long handles. The tongs are short as well as the knife. The knife is not sharp since it is plastic. I think not being sharp adds to the safety of its use. It is called forkchops.
I think it is neat that it comes in a variety of colors. I bought a few of them in different colors. 

It was neat to use as both chopsticks and as a knife and fork. I like using the chopsticks while eating non-Asian foods and use the knife and fork while Asian foods (somethings just easier to eat with a fork). I wish it was a spoon and a fork instead of a knife and fork. I will suggest it to them the next time I go to their page (which I just did and am waiting a response). 

Normally I post things I have eaten but this is about something that I use to eat things with. It is different and useful. 

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