Saturday, October 19, 2024

Double Dog Basket At The Press Room in Portsmouth NH

 While visiting the Strawberry Banke Museum in Portsmouth NH, we had lunch at The Press Room in Portsmouth NH. It was not a long walk from the museum. 

It was really nice. I liked the atmosphere. The service there was really great. The seats were comfortable. I liked the décor. The bathrooms were clean. 

My friends had a hamburger. I had something else that was really good.

This was the double dog basket that I ordered. The hot dogs are more like large sausages. They were really good. They were really big and filling. It didn't cost a lot for them.

It had a side of French fries. I like to eat them with mayonnaise. I was able to get some for my fries. The mayonnaise was really good. It really complimented the hot dogs. 

I recommend this place to eat when one is in Portsmouth NH. It is not a huge place with a lot of seating but it is a really good place to go for food. Since I walked from the museum to it, I don't know what the parking situation is there. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

My Own Egg Sandwich - Batchelor Cooking

 There are times I just like making my own breakfast. This is one of those times. I prefer a hot breakfast over a cold one, especially on a cold day. 

I toasted two English muffins. I fried two eggs and put them on top of the English muffins. I heated up some slices of turkey and put that on top of the English muffins. I added some shredded cheese to it. I combined the top and the bottom together and created my own breakfast sandwich. I think it tasted really great. It was filling. I think one might have been enough but I was hungry and ate them both. 

Butter Grits and Cheese Grits - by Quaker

 I like grits. I have tried then at a restaurant and realized that they taste really good. It is not easy to find at grocery stores; at least not in the flavors that are shown on the website of Quaker. Grocery stores usually have the instant (packets) or a canister of it. 

However, I did find a grocery store that not only have the regular but also the cheese flavor and the butter flavor. They came in packets/ instant grits. It was easy to make. I think they taste pretty good. It was a big box of each flavor. It will be awhile before I eat them all.

The downside is I have not found any other flavors (besides original in most stores and the cheese / butter) in other grocery stores. Fortunately, One can order the other flavors at their site. I believe they have a multi-flavor box there too. I will - eventually - order the multi-flavor box. 

Quaker grits site

Here is the butter flavored grits. As one can see, I added a fried egg on top if it. I think it tastes great this way. I added a little bit of salt and a little bit of butter. 

Here is the cheese flavored grits. As one can see, I added a fried egg on top of it. I also added a little bit of salt and a little bit of butter. I think it tastes great this way. 

Monday, October 14, 2024

Meal Deal at McDonald's?

I was doing errands and this was an excuse to get to McDonald's to get a Happy Meal with the Crocs toy. When I got there, they were out of Crocs toys so I tried their Meal Deal. This is what I got. 

I think I got a lot of food for what I paid. I paid about 12 dollars. The photos show what I got for that amount. Perhaps they are getting back to being affordable? Perhaps the way they did it was to make smaller amounts / smaller burgers? I am okay with that since I am not able to eat as much as I used and I don't really want to since I want to lose some weight. I might have overdone it this time but still not too much. It was quite filling. 

Here is all that I got for a little over 12 dollars. I got a meal deal that included a chicken sandwich, fries, a soda and McNuggets. I also got a separate order of McNuggets since I really like that. I included a double cheeseburger since it was a really good deal. It included two dipping sauces; one sweet and sour and the other being honey mustard.
Here are the same items but opened to reveal what was in the boxes and wraps. It was really good and it was filling. Perhaps I shouldn't have ordered so much or have shared it but I was really hungry and it looked really good. I think I got a really good deal on them. 

I am still hoping to find a McDonald's that has the Crocs toys in their Happy Meals. If not, the Meals Deals is - in my opinion - a good deal. I read that it might not be around for long but I hope they keep it. I think it would increase their business. 

Breakfast at Panera's? Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese Sandwich

 There are times that I go out early and don't eat breakfast at home. One of the places that I like to get breakfast is at Panera Bread. I was on my way to see a national park. 

The Panera Bread near me is on Story Ave in Newburyport MA. It is a cozy warm place that has comfortable seating. This time I had breakfast there but not traditionally breakfast items.

This time I ordered the grilled cheese sandwich. It was warm and crunchy and really good with the tomato soup that I ordered. It wasn't too big, it was just right for me. 

I ordered the tomato soup as part of my breakfast. It was really good. It wasn't too hot. It was just the right amount of soup for me. It was even better when I dipped my grilled cheese sandwich into it. I got it with a part of a bread (French bread that I forgot the name of). It had a great center for dipping into the soup but the outside was a little hard for me. 

Pizza at Crush Pizza in Quincy MA

 My brother and I was in Quincy MA to visit the Adams National Park. While we were there, we had lunch at Crush Pizza. It is a small place not far from the Adams National Park visitor center. The below is what we had there.

Crush Pizza. It is not a big place but it was cozy and comfortable. The people working there was really nice. The prices were on the board at the back. One can see them make the pizza. 

One can see the area where they cooked and the menu board. The seating area was simple yet cozy and comfortable. It was really nice there.

Here is the table we sat at. It is a nice wooden table that is just big enough for 4 people to sit comfortably at. One can see the pizzas that we ordered. 

Here is the pizza that I ordered. It is a cheese pizza with anchovies. It was really good. I have had many pizzas over there years and this is one of the best I have ever had. The anchovies taste was good but not overwhelming. The cheese was really good. I got the individual size. It was just big enough for me; which is good since I didn't want to share it. 

Monday, September 30, 2024

Food I Ate At The Deerfield Fair

 I found a few places - among the many places that had food for sale - at the Deerfield Fair (147th year of operation). 

I had some turkey balls - turkey stuffed with turkey and stuffing. It was really good. It came with a side of cranberry sauce. It had turkey gravy on it. It wasn't much but it was very good.

This is the corn dogs that I bought - at the same place as the turkey balls - and got three of them. It was really good but a little on the small size. Getting three of them made up for the smaller size. 
This is one of two orders of steamed clams that ordered and shared with my brother. The price was $15 for a pound of them. We ordered two of them. The butter sauce was really good. Perhaps a bad thing but I drank the leftover melted butter. It had some of the flavor of the steamers mixed in with it (we dipped the steamers into the melted butter). 

What I didn't take a photo of was the diet Cokes and diet Pepsi's that we bought. It was 3 to 4 dollars for a 20 ounce bottle. I guess that prices are little higher than other places? The whole 'captive audience' type of thing? They were both good since it was a warm day that we went. 

There was a huge amount of people there. It wasn't easy getting around at the fair. There was rides and animals and shows at the fair. It was a lot of fun and a lot of walking (I walked more in one day than I normally do in a week).