Tuesday, May 7, 2024

A Spam-wich; Egg and Spam Sandwich - for breakfast.


I decided to make a version of an egg sandwich. I fried up a couple of eggs; broke the yolks since I don't want it running down my hands and arm when eating it. I seasoned it with salt and pepper. 

I also heated up / grilled a couple of slices of Spam. I really love Spam even though my diabetic doctor said it wasn't really good for me. I still eat it; especially if it is grilled / cooked on a pan.

I have some small hamburger buns. I think they are like slider buns. I didn't put anything on them; like butter or mayonnaise but I did put some Chick-Fill-A sauce (so actually I did put some thing on it. I put a slice of cheese on them. I put the fried egg on one side and the cooked Spam on the other. 

I combined them and I think it was really good. Others might try it with different results. I liked mine. I think it was a really good breakfast. 

I wonder if this will ever become a thing. It is for me since it was easy to make and it was really good; in my opinion. 

Spam has other flavors but most grocery stores has only one or two of them on their shelves. One day I will get around to getting and trying the other flavors. I really want to try them. 

2024 / 05 / 07

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