Saturday, September 16, 2017

Authentic Asia Shrimp Wonton Soup

I found the Authentic Asia Shrimp Wonton Soup at the grocery store. It looks really good. The instruction seems easy to use. Since it is cooked in the microwave, it seems like it would be not only good at home but also when traveling (many hotels have microwaves in the rooms).

The box has the web site for C.P. Brands. It seems to be an international brand since there are links for different countries. Here is the one for USA. One can go to the site and click on the icon's for other countries.

Here is the shrimp wonton. It was delicious. It was easy to make. This is a stock photo but what I had did not look that much different than this photo. I did not eat it with a spoon. 

Here is the box it came it. It came in a black plastic bowl with lid. I kept the bowl with lid since it looked like it was made from durable (at least to me) plastic.

It was easy to make. One took the bowl and lid out of the box and took off the plastic wrap. One added water to the fill line, a line inside the bowl. One covers the bowl but in a way that allows steam to escape. I used the lid but not covering the whole bow so steam could get out. One heated it for 2 1/2 to 3 minutes in the microwave.  I took it out of the microwave and ate the wantons with chopsticks (I usually have some wooden and fancy ones on hand) and drank the soup. It was really good. It is ideal for a appetizer or snack.  

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